TAM 2xx References


Buckling is the sudden change in shape of a structural component under a compressive load
Fig: BuckleVSDeflect

Taken from TAM251 Lecture Notes - L13S2

The beam is still able to withstand normal loads, but buckling causes an instability. Small perturbations make the structure unstable. Failure is elastic (\( \sigma < \sigma_Y \)), but if increased loads are applied, further deformation and plastic failure (yielding) / brittle failure (fracture) can occur (post-buckling failure).

Stability of Structures

Single Column

Fig: Stability of Structures

Taken from TAM251 Lecture Notes - L13S3

Column \( AB \) is supporting uniaxial compressive load \( P \). To properly design this column, the cross-section must satisfy the following:
$$ \sigma = \frac{P}{A} \le \sigma_{all}\ $$
$$ \delta = \frac{PL}{EA} \le \delta_{spec}\ $$
Increasing the load can cause the column to buckle \( \rightarrow \) instability causing failure.

Two Rods and a Torsional Spring

Fig: TwoRods

Taken from TAM251 Lecture Notes - L13S4

Rods \( AC \) and \( CB \) are perfectly aligned and a torsional spring connects them at point \( C \). For small perturbations, point \( C \) moves to the right.
  • If
  • If
Fig: TopRodFBD

Taken from TAM251 Lecture Notes - L13S5

The spring restoring moment is
$$ M_s = K(2\Delta\theta)= \text{restoring moment}\ $$
The moment resultant from the applied load P tends to move the rod away from the vertical position
$$ M_{load} = P\frac{L}{2}\sin\Delta\theta = P\frac{L}{2}\Delta\theta = \text{destabilizing moment}\ $$
  • Stable system:
  • Unstable system:
  • Equilibrium position gives:
The critical load can be found with
$$ P_{cr} = \frac{4K}{L}\ $$

**Expandable Derivation**

$$ M_s = M_{load}\ $$
$$ K(2\Delta\theta) = P_{cr}\frac{L}{2}\Delta\theta\ $$

**End Derivation**

Euler's formula

Euler's formula can be used to solve for the critical load of a uniaxially loaded column.

Pinned-end Columns

Fig: Pinned

Taken from TAM251 Lecture Notes - L13S6

Rod \( AB \) is pinned on each end. Equilibrium gives
$$ M = -Py\ $$
After a small perturbation, the system reaches equilibrium
$$ M(x) = EIy $$
$$ EIy $$
$$ y $$
Linear, homogeneous differential equation of second order with constant coefficients. The general solution is
$$ y(x) = A\sin(px) + B\cos(px)\ $$
With boundary conditions
$$ y(0) = y(L) = 0\ $$
Euler's Formula
$$ P_{cr} = \frac{\pi^2EI}{L^2}\ $$
Buckling occurs at
$$ P > P_{cr}\ $$

**Expandable Derivation**

$$ y(x) = A\sin(\sqrt{\frac{P}{EI}}x) + B\cos(\sqrt{\frac{P}{EI}}x)\ $$
$$ y(x=0)=0 \rightarrow A\sin(0)+B\cos(0) = 0\ $$
$$ B=0\ $$
$$ y(x=L)=0 \rightarrow A\sin(\sqrt{\frac{P}{EI}}L)+0 = 0\ $$
$$ A\sin(\sqrt{\frac{P}{EI}}L)=0\ $$
This has two solutions

$$ A = 0 \rightarrow \text{not interesting}\ $$

$$ A = n \rightarrow n \text{any number except where} A\sin(\sqrt{\frac{P}{EI}}L) = n\pi $$
$$ \frac{P}{EI}L^2 = n^2\pi^2\ $$
$$ P_{cr} = \frac{n^2\pi^2EI}{L^2}\ $$

Buckling usually happens at the smallest non-zero value of \( P_{cr} \)

$$ n=1\ $$

Higher \( n \) values can be achieved if columns are prevented from buckling at \( n=1 \)

**End Derivation**

Other Boundary Conditions

Fig: EulerConditions

Taken from TAM251 Lecture Notes - L13S8

Different boundary conditions change length used in the critical load formula to the effective length (\( L_e \)).

$$ P_{cr} = \frac{\pi^2EI}{L_e^2}\ $$