Complete in "Rolling motion"
A special case of rigid body motion is rolling without slipping on a stationary ground surface. This is defined by motion where the point of contact with the ground has zero velocity, so it matches the ground velocity and is not slipping.
It is helpful to think about the motion of the body in two ways:
These two ways of visualizing the motion can be seen on the figure below.
When a circular rigid body rolls without slipping on a surface which is itself curved, the radius of curvature of the surface affects the acceleration (but not velocity) of points on the rolling body.
Warning: Radii of curvature \( \rho \) and \( R \) may not be constant.
The radius of curvature \( \rho \) of the surface may be varying with position as the body rolls. If \( \rho \) changes then this will also cause \( R \) to change. These two variables will only be constant if the surface is in fact perfectly circular.
This topic is in L27, slides 13-14, include information in Fig \\ref fig:AppBearings . Pictures are from this book
. Application for "Rolling on curved surfaces".