TAM 2xx References

Beam Deflection

Goal: Determine the deflection and slope at specified points of beams and shafts Solve statically indeterminate beams: where the number of reactions at the supports exceeds the number of equilibrium equations available. Maximum deflection of the beam: Design specifications of a beam will generally include a maximum allowable value for its deflection.

Sign Conventions

Fig: signConvention1
From ref pages

Boundary Conditions

Fig: BoundryConditions
From ref pages

Moment-Curvature Equation

Elastic Curve of a Beam:
Fig: ElasticCurveBeam

Taken from TAM251 Lecture Notes - L12S3

Moment-curvature equation:
$$ M(x) = \frac{E(x)I(x)}{\rho(x)}\ $$
$$ \kappa = \frac{1}{\rho} = \frac{M(x)}{EI}\ $$
Fig: ElasticCurveGraph

Taken from TAM251 Lecture Notes - L12S3

Governing equation of the elastic curve:
$$ \frac{d^2y}{dx^2} = \frac{M(x)}{EI}\ $$


  • \( y(x) \) is the vertical direction
  • Bending only: we will neglect effects of transverse shear
  • Small deflection angles

Integration Methods

Elastic curve equation for constant \( E \) and \( I \): \( EIy'' = M(x) \) Differentiating both sides gives: \( EIy''' = \frac{dM(x)}{dx} = V(x) \) Differentiating again: \( EIy'''' = \frac{dV(x)}{dx} = w(x) \) In summary, we have:
$$ V(x) = \int w(x) dx\ $$
$$ M(x) = \int V(x)dx\ $$
$$ \frac{dy}{dx} = \int \frac{1}{EI}M(x)dx\ $$
$$ y(x) = \int y'(x) dx\ $$
Where: \( y(x): \) deflection \( y'(x): \) slope \( EIy''(x): \) bending moment \( EIy '''(x): \) shear force \( EIy''''(x): \) distributed load Example: Overhanging Beam
Fig: Overhang Ex

Taken from TAM251 Lecture Notes - L12S8

Example: Cantilever Beam
Fig: Cantilever Ex

Taken from TAM251 Lecture Notes - L12S8

Beam Solutions

Common beam deflection solutions have been worked out.

Fig: Common Solutions

Taken from the formula sheet

To solve loadings that are not in the table, use superposition to get the resulting deflection curve.

Example: Moment and distributed load

Fig: Superposition Ex

Taken from TAM251 Lecture Notes - L12S16