Did you know?
If we have objects which are either very massive, very small, or moving very fast, then Newton's equations do not provide a good model of their motion. Instead we must use Einstein's equations of general relativity (for massive and fast objects) or the equations of quantum mechanics (for very small objects). Unfortunately, these two theories cannot be used together, so we currently have no good models for objects which are simultaneously very small and very massive, such as micro black holes or the universe shortly after the big bang. Physicists are currently trying to reconcile general relativity with quantum mechanics by devising a new set of equations (sometimes called quantum gravity or a theory of everything). Current possibilities for new equations include string theory and loop quantum gravity, but none of these are generally accepted yet.
It is important to remember that all of these different equations are only models of reality and are not actually real:
“All models are wrong. Some models are useful.”
— George Box
More information about Free body diagrams included in "Free boy diagrams"
Add information shown in Fig \ref fig:NumericalIntegration
This topic is in L13-Notes, slides 9-10. Include information in Fig \ref and this YouTube link https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qvW0sz4kBLQ
. Application for "Particle kinetics".What happens when we step on the gas or brake in a car? The car pushes against the road to either accelerate (gas pedal) or decelerate (brake pedal). But how are the forces on the car and wheels distributed? What determines whether the wheels grip the road or lose traction and spin or slide?
To study this problem we need a model. Let's start with the simplest model and then gradually consider more complex models.
The simplest model of a car is to treat the entire vehicle as a point mass. On a we have vertical force balance for a stationary car. When the car , there is a horizontal forward force on the car, and a corresponding backwards horizontal force on the ground. As the car picks up speed, air resistance produces a backwards force. On the diagram we have drawn some forces offset from the center of mass, so that the vectors don't overlap. Because we are assuming a point mass model, however, all vectors are really acting at the same point.
While cruising at a constant speed, there is a balance between the horizontal driving force and the drag force due to air resistance. When the car , there is a backwards force that slows the car down to a stop.
We can think of the force vectors (such as the ground force on the car) as either in separate horizontal and vertical or as unified vectors. It may be helpful to pause the during and to consider the forces at work.
Reference material
Extra links
Complete in "Banked turns". Just the introduction and the information under "Track geometry" and "Point mass model".
Complete in "Projectiles with air resistance".
Consider a spherical object, such as a baseball, moving through the air. The motion of an object though a fluid is one of the most complex problems in all of science, and it is still not completely understood to this day. One of the reasons this problem is so challenging is that, in general, there are many different forces acting on such objects, including:
In most introductory physics and dynamics courses, gravity is the only force that is accounted for (this is equivalent to assuming that the motion takes place in a vacuum). Here we will consider realistic and accurate models of air resistance that are used to model the motion of projectiles like baseballs.
The drag force is always directly opposed to the velocity of the object. In vector notation,
The magnitude of the drag force is characterized by the dimensionless drag coefficient \( C_{\rm D} \), given by
A dimensionless parameter that is very useful in fluid dynamics is the Reynolds number, which is defined as
An important result in fluid dynamics is that the drag coefficient is a function only of the Reynolds number of the fluid flow about the object. That is,
Notice from Figure #aft-fd that there is a range of Reynolds numbers (\( 10^3 < {\rm Re} < 10^5 \)), characteristic of macroscopic projectiles, for which the drag coefficient is approximately constant at about 1/2 (see the part of the curve labeled “4” in Figure #aft-fd). That the drag coefficient is constant means that, within this region, the magnitude of the drag force is proportional to the square of the object’s speed. Substituting \( C_{\rm D}=1/2$ into the definition of $C_{D} \) above, we obtain
In the presence of gravity and quadratic drag alone, the net force on an object is given by
Did you know?
There is no well-measured record for longest baseball home run. It is claimed that Mickey Mantle hit a ball 643 feet (196 m), although this apparently included rolling on the ground. Other power hits by Mantle are reliably measured to be over 500 feet (152 m).